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Reviewed: MuscleFood’s Christmas Box

Publisher - Great British Food Awards
published by

The Great British Food team

Feb 07, 2024
7 minutes to read

Jenny O’Neill reflects on how MuscleFood’s Christmas Box resulted in a stress-free festive cooking experience

As the festive season approached, I was fortunate to get my hands on a MuscleFood Christmas Box. Packed with care, the box exuded freshness, and upon opening it, the quality of the meat was immediately evident.

The star of the show was a large British turkey crown, a centrepiece that promised a succulent and flavourful main course. Accompanying it were pork sausages and low-fat bacon medallions, perfect for a hearty Christmas day breakfast. The variety in the box allowed me to create a festive morning feast that set the tone for a day filled with culinary delights.

For the main event, we indulged in the classic Christmas favourites, including pigs in blankets, three different stuffing blocks (you can never have enough stuffing!), unsmoked streaky bacon, and pork chipolatas. Each item showcased the high quality of MuscleFood’s offerings, and when cooked, they all lived up to expectations. The textures and flavours were spot on, and the meticulous preparation paid off with a meal that left everyone at the table satisfied.

What impressed us most was the absence of waste – every item in the box was perfectly portioned, ensuring we had just the right amount to feed our hungry group of five. This not only contributed to a stress-free cooking experience but also reflected their commitment to providing value for money.

None of us had previously tried MuscleFood, but after this experience, we are all converts. The standout feature for us was the leanness of the meat. The turkey crown, sausages, bacon, and other items were noticeably lean, catering to those who are health-conscious without compromising on taste. It’s rare to find such high-quality, lean meat that doesn’t sacrifice flavour, making MuscleFood a standout choice for anyone looking to maintain a balanced diet, even during the indulgent holiday season.

The convenience of ordering and having the Christmas (or any other) box delivered directly to our doorstep was another highlight. During all of the holiday chaos, MuscleFood provides a hassle-free solution that allowed me to focus on enjoying the festivities rather than navigating crowded stores.

What sets MuscleFood apart is not just the quality of their products but also the attractive deals they offer. We discovered the fantastic option to add another box for just £1, making it an even more budget-friendly choice. Additionally, their meal plans cater to those who want or need to follow a specific dietary regimen, further showcasing their commitment to accommodating diverse needs.

It’s worth noting that MuscleFood takes pride in responsibly sourcing the different products, addressing concerns about the origin and sustainability of the meat. Knowing that the food on our table was sourced ethically added an extra layer of satisfaction to our festive feast.

For those looking to save a little extra, joining their mailing list proves to be a wise decision. You will receive a £5 discount on your next order, a gesture that further solidified our positive experience with this meat supplier.

In conclusion, this Christmas Box delivered a memorable and delicious festive feast. The quality of the meat, the leanness of the products, the convenience of ordering, and the budget-friendly deals make MuscleFood a top choice for those seeking a hassle-free and high-quality meat supply. After this delightful experience, we’re eager to explore MuscleFood’s other offerings and incorporate them into our regular meal plans.

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